BV Automated Thickness Measurement Forms (TM forms) with UTM Reporting


The Class Thickness Measurement Report is crucial in maritime inspections, ensuring safety and operational standards. It provides a comprehensive record, offering key insights into vessel thickness measurements and contributing to asset integrity.

Classification Society Overview:

Established in 1828, Bureau Veritas is a global leader in maritime classification, prioritizing life, property, and environmental safety. Through meticulous inspections and innovative technologies, the organization sets and maintains the highest standards in the industry, earning trust worldwide.

Benefits of Using the Class Report Format:

The UTM Reporting app offers a streamlined process for distributing data into TM forms, adhering to class standards. This automation ensures that the generated files are ready for seamless upload into Bureau Veritas' UTM Data Platform.
By using this feature, users save time, ensure industry compliance, and improve efficiency and accuracy in classification reporting.

Key Features of the Class Report

1. Automated Thickness Report Generation:

• The system automates the generation of comprehensive reports for non-csr inspections.
• This includes not only TM forms but also a detailed file incorporating measurements, blueprints with thickness measurements, survey images, and notes.

2. Auto Creation of TM Forms:

• The system automatically generates TM (Thickness Measurement) forms based on the survey data.
• TM forms are meticulously crafted to meet Bureau Veritas standards.
• They are pre-formatted and ready for seamless uploading into BV's UTM data platform.

3. Automated Thickness Measurement Population:

• Relevant thickness measurements are automatically filled into the TM forms.
• This functionality optimizes the process, guaranteeing accuracy and expediency in reporting.

4. Dynamic Presentation Across Forms:

• When a specific measurement is associated with a hull component, it dynamically reflects in all TM forms related to that component.
• Ensures uniformity and clarity of pertinent measurements across various forms.

5. Unified Data Repository for Efficient Reporting:

• Gathers all survey data, encompassing TM forms, raw data files, survey images, and blueprints, into a unified, readily accessible repository.
• Boosts efficiency and reduces the likelihood of data loss by offering a centralized repository for comprehensive reporting, thereby saving valuable time in data retrieval.

Step-by-Step Guide: Generate Class Reports

1. Set Up Your Project:

• Before initiating the survey, ensure the project is properly set up. For guidance, refer to the "Prepare a class-compliant vessel inspection".

• When a project is set up automatically, BV's TM forms are linked to corresponding hull structural components.
Additionally, when a component is created manually, it must be linked to existing TM form name(s) to automatically populate survey data into the IACS/Class TM forms.

. TM-1 B, TM-1 D, TM-1 S
. TM-2 (i), TM-2 (ii)
. TM-3 TB, TM-3 LM
. TM-4 Bottom transverse, TM-4 Cross tie, TM-4 Deck transverse, TM-4 Deck transverse on deck, TM-4 Double Bottom Floor, TM-4 Hopper tank web frame, TM-4 Long. BKD web frame, TM-4 Side shell web frame, TM-4 Side tank web frame, TM-4 Topside tank web frame, TM-4 Web frame
. TM-5, TM-5S19
. TM-6 Main Deck, TM-6 Side Shell, TM-6 Bottom, TM-6 Inner Bottom, TM-6 Inner Deck, TM-6 Centreline Long. BKD, TM-6 DB Centreline Long. BKD, TM-6 Inner Long. BKD, TM-6 Long. BKD, TM-6 Long. BKD Stringer, TM-6 Outer Long. BKD, TM-6 Side Shell stringer, TM-6 Top side sloping plate, TM-6 Aftpeak Internal Structure, TM-6 Forepeak Internal Structure, TM-6 Boat Deck, TM-6 Bridge Deck, TM-6 Compass Deck, TM-6 Deck Beam, TM-6 Deck between hatches, TM-6 Hatch Coaming, TM-6 Hatch Cover, TM-6 Internal Platform, TM-6 Trans. BKD stringer, TM-6 Piping Line, TM-6 Sea Chest plating, TM-6 Sea Water Manifold in Engine Room, TM-6 Shell Plating iwo Overboard Discharge, TM-6 Bow Ramp, TM-6 Side Ramp, TM-6 Stern Ramp
. TM-7, TM-7S31
. TM-9


2. Input Survey Information:

• Utilize the app to pinpoint thickness measurements directly on the blueprint(s). At each thickness marker, you can add notes, defect pictures, and specify advanced locations for precise survey documentation.


3. Generate Class Report:

• Go to the "Report" tab in the app and tap the "+" icon at the bottom right.
• Choose "Class Report" from the popup and then click "Generate." The app will take a few moments to create a comprehensive Class report.


4. Save and Share:

• Once the report is generated, download it to your device for future reference.
Excel files can then be directly uploaded to the BV's UTM data platform.
• Easily share the comprehensive Class report with relevant stakeholders.

By following these instructions, you can efficiently and quickly generate Class reports with precision and compliance using the UTM Reporting app.


TM1 form

 • Folders: One main folder for TM-1 forms, with sub-folders labeled TM-1 B (bottom), TM-1 D (deck), and TM-1 S (side shell).
 • Files: Each longitudinal item has a dedicated file, with the option to consolidate data if no longitudinal item is selected.

System Recognition:
 • Hull structural components need to be associated with TM-1 B, TM-1 D, and/or TM-1 S to ensure that thickness measurements are appropriately distributed within the TM1 form.

Data Representation:
 • Each row contains thickness measurements sharing common details such as Transverse item, Sub hull item, and Origin.
 • Measurements are organized into "Forward" and "Aft" tables, further categorized by Port and Starboard sides, enabling comparison between front and back measurements.
 • TM repaired data is prioritized over measurements within both the "Forward" and "Aft" tables and is displayed in the appropriate Port or Starboard cell.

TM2 form

 • Folders: One main folder for TM-2 forms, with sub-folders labeled TM-2(i) and TM-2(ii)
 • Files: Each dedicated file contains up to 2 transverse sections, with the option to consolidate data if no transverse item is selected.

System Recognition:
 • Hull structural components need to be associated with TM-2(i) and/or TM-2(ii) forms to ensure precise distribution of thickness measurements in the TM2 forms.

Data Representation:
 • Each row comprises thickness measurements that share a common strake/longitudinal position.
 • Within each transverse table, measurements are arranged according to the same plate designation and its corresponding plate thickness origin.
 • Measurements are structured into transverse tables, with a maximum of 2 tables available, and are additionally categorized by Port and Starboard sides, facilitating comparison between measurements from different transverse sections.
 • Repaired data from TM takes precedence over measurements within the transverse tables and is presented in the corresponding Port or Starboard cell.

TM3 TB form

 • Folders: One main folder for TM-3 TB forms
 • Files: Each dedicated file contains up to 2 transverse sections, with the option to consolidate data if no transverse item is selected.

System Recognition:
 • Hull structural components need to be associated with TM-3 TB forms to ensure precise distribution of thickness measurements in the TM3 TB forms.

Data Representation:
 • Each row comprises thickness measurements that share a common structural hull component.
 • Within each transverse table, measurements are arranged according to the same plate designation/Sub structural hull component and its corresponding plate thickness origin.
 • Measurements are structured into transverse tables, with a maximum of 2 tables available, and are additionally categorized by Port and Starboard sides, facilitating comparison between measurements from different transverse sections.
 • Repaired data from TM takes precedence over measurements within the transverse tables and is presented in the corresponding Port or Starboard cell.

TM3 LM form

 • Folders: One main folder for TM-3 LM forms, with sub-folders. Each sub-folder corresponds to a specific transverse location.
 • Files: Each dedicated file contains thickness measurements located within the same compartment/room/space , with the option to consolidate data if no space is selected.

System Recognition:
 • Hull structural components need to be associated with TM-3 LM forms to ensure precise distribution of thickness measurements in the TM3 LM forms.

Data Representation:
 • Each row comprises thickness measurements that share a common structural hull component, sharing the same plate designation/Sub structural hull component and sharing the same thickness origin.
 • Measurements are structured by Port and Starboard sides, facilitating comparison between measurements.
 • Repaired data from TM takes precedence over measurements within the transverse tables and is presented in the corresponding Port or Starboard cell.

TM4 form

 • Folders:
 • Files:

System Recognition:

Data Representation:

TM5 form

 • Folders: One main folder for TM-5 forms, with sub-folders. Each sub-folder corresponds to a specific transverse location.
 • Files: Each dedicated file contains thickness measurements located within the same compartment/room/space, with the option to consolidate data if no space is selected.

System Recognition:
 • Hull structural components need to be associated with TM-5 forms to ensure precise distribution of thickness measurements in the TM5 forms.

Data Representation:
 • Each row comprises thickness measurements that share a common structural hull component and sharing the same thickness origin.
 • Measurements are structured by Port and Starboard sides.
 • Repaired data from TM takes precedence over measurements within the transverse tables and is presented in the corresponding Port or Starboard cell.

TM5 S19 form

 • Folders: One main folder for TM-5 S19 forms, with sub-folders. Each sub-folder corresponds to a specific transverse location.
 • Files: Each dedicated file contains thickness measurements located within the same compartment/room/space, with the option to consolidate data if no space is selected. each showcasing measurements exclusively from either the port or starboard side.

System Recognition:
 • Hull structural components need to be associated with TM-5S19 forms to ensure precise distribution of thickness measurements in the TM5 S19 forms.

Data Representation:
 • Each row contains thickness measurements that share a common structural hull component.
 • In each table (Lower part, Middle part, Upper part, Shedder part), rows organize measurements based on the identical plate thickness origin.
 • Measurements are categorized into an advanced location table, distinguishing between Lower, Middle, Upper and Shedder parts, and further segmented by Port and Starboard sides.
 • Repaired data from TM takes precedence over measurements within the transverse tables and is presented in the corresponding Port or Starboard cell.

TM6 form

 • Folders: One main folder for TM-6 forms, with sub-folders. Each sub-folder corresponds to a specific compartment/room/space.
 • Files: Each dedicated file contains thickness measurements linked to a specific TM6 form.

System Recognition:
 • Hull structural components need to be associated with the following TM-6 form names to ensure precise distribution of thickness measurements in the TM6 forms. "TM-6 Aftpeak Internal Structure", "TM-6 Boat Deck", "TM-6 Bottom", "TM-6 Bow Ramp", "TM-6 Bridge Deck", "TM-6 Centreline Long. BKD", "TM-6 Compass Deck", "TM-6 DB Centreline Long. BKD", "TM-6 Deck Beam", "TM-6 Deck between hatches", "TM-6 Forepeak Internal Structure", "TM-6 Hatch Coaming", "TM-6 Hatch Cover", "TM-6 Inner Bottom", "TM-6 Inner Deck", "TM-6 Inner Long. BKD", "TM-6 Internal Platform", "TM-6 Long. BKD", "TM-6 Long. BKD Stringer", "TM-6 Main Deck", "TM-6 Outer Long. BKD", "TM-6 Piping Line", "TM-6 Sea Chest plating", "TM-6 Sea Water Manifold in Engine Room", "TM-6 Shell Plating iwo Overboard Discharge", "TM-6 Side Ramp", "TM-6 Side Shell", "TM-6 Side Shell stringer", "TM-6 Stern Ramp", "TM-6 Top side sloping plate", "TM-6 Trans. BKD stringer",

Data Representation:
 • Each row comprises thickness measurements that share a common structural hull component and sharing the same thickness origin.
 • Measurements are structured by Port and Starboard sides.
 • Repaired data from TM takes precedence over measurements within the transverse tables and is presented in the corresponding Port or Starboard cell.


Have questions? Look here

The Class contains detailed ship inspection information in a structured format, including:

• Excel files with thickness data formatted in Class TM forms ready to be uploaded within the BV'UTM data platform.
• Blueprints with thickness measurements.
• One Excel file consolidating all survey data, not distributed within the TM form due to a mismatch in the TM form name.
• Two CSV files containing comprehensive raw data from the ship inspection.

For a seamless integration of survey data into BV TM forms:
1. Ensure your project is properly linked to the Bureau Veritas classification society.
2. Maintain exact name matching of TM forms within the hull item; variations won't be recognized by our system.

Here are the TM form names recognized by our system:
"TM-1 B", "TM-1 D", "TM-1 S", "TM-2 (i)", "TM-2 (ii)", "TM-3 TB", "TM-3 LM", "TM-5", "TM-5S19", "TM-7", "TM-7-S31" and "TM-9"

"TM-4 Bottom transverse", "TM-4 Cross tie", "TM-4 Deck transverse", "TM-4 Deck transverse on deck", "TM-4 Double Bottom Floor", "TM-4 Hopper tank web frame", "TM-4 Long. BKD web frame", "TM-4 Side shell web frame", "TM-4 Side tank web frame", "TM-4 Topside tank web frame", "TM-4 Web frame",

"TM-6 Main Deck", "TM-6 Side Shell", "TM-6 Bottom", "TM-6 Inner Bottom", "TM-6 Inner Deck", "TM-6 Centreline Long. BKD", "TM-6 DB Centreline Long. BKD", "TM-6 Inner Long. BKD", "TM-6 Long. BKD", "TM-6 Long. BKD Stringer", "TM-6 Outer Long. BKD", "TM-6 Side Shell stringer", "TM-6 Top side sloping plate", "TM-6 Aftpeak Internal Structure", "TM-6 Forepeak Internal Structure", "TM-6 Boat Deck", "TM-6 Bridge Deck", "TM-6 Compass Deck", "TM-6 Deck Beam", "TM-6 Deck between hatches", "TM-6 Hatch Coaming", "TM-6 Hatch Cover", "TM-6 Internal Platform", "TM-6 Trans. BKD stringer", "TM-6 Piping Line", "TM-6 Sea Chest plating", "TM-6 Sea Water Manifold in Engine Room", "TM-6 Shell Plating iwo Overboard Discharge", "TM-6 Bow Ramp", "TM-6 Side Ramp", "TM-6 Stern Ramp"

If you want survey data linked to a hull component to be distributed to multiple forms, include the form names without additional spaces and separate them by a comma. For example: "TM-1,TM-2 (i),TM-3"

In the event of discrepancies, survey data linked to incorrectly associated hull items will be directed to the "Data_Not_Distributed_in_TM_Forms" Excel file, rather than being distributed into the TM form of the corresponding class.

• Monthly Subscription: $11 per report
•Annual Subscription: $9 per report

• Monthly Subscription: $4.16 per report
•Annual Subscription: $3.3 per report

•The cost per report decreases as you generate more reports.

Need further explanation? Book your demo call here!