Efficient Data Input for Auto-Populating TM-2 (i) & TM-2 (ii) in UTM Reporting App

TM2 Definition:

The TM2(i) and TM2(ii) forms compile detailed thickness measurements for specific hull items/structural elements and longitudinal strakes within vessel transverse sections. Arranged into 2 to 3 tables (depending on the classification society), these forms present the transverse section data, further divided into Port and Starboard sides, facilitating comparison among multiple transverse measurements.
Rows organize measurements from the same longitudinal position. Moreover, within each transverse table, rows group measurements from the same plate designation, along with the same plate thickness origin, facilitating symmetrical analysis to detect structural irregularities between transverse sections.
The TM2(i) form compares transverse section data of Strength Deck and Sheerstrake platings.
The TM2(ii) form compares transverse section data of Shell platings.


This guide outlines the process of seamlessly inputting data to automatically populate TM-2 (i) and TM-2 (ii) within the UTM Reporting app. The goal is to ensure that the data aligns with the report structure of the Classification Society.


Marine professionals tasked with using the UTM Reporting app are on-site to locate thickness markers on vessel blueprints, aiming for automatic data population in TM-2 (i) and (ii) during survey report generation.

Data Input Process for Auto-Populating TM-2 (i) & (ii) in UTM App

1. Link Hull Components to TM-2 (i) and TM-2 (ii)

• Ensure that the relevant hull components (e.g., strength deck, sheerstrake plating for TM-2 (i), and shell plating for TM-2 (ii) are correctly associated with their respective TM-2 forms.

• This linking facilitates the automatic population of associated measurements when generating reports.

2. Define Plate or sub component Names/Numbers (Optional)

While optional, specifying plate or sub component names/numbers under each hull component linked to TM-2 (i) or TM-2 (ii) ensures data consistency within the respective forms.

3. Access the Blueprint, Zoom In, and Add Markers

• Utilize the app's zoom function to precisely locate the area for thickness measurements.
• Add markers to the blueprint by selecting the measurement locations. The app will guide you through inputting the thickness measurement data, ensuring it's accurately populated in TM-2 (i) and TM-2 (ii).

4. Record Basic Information for Thickness Measurement

• Select the relevant hull item gauged
• Optionally, select the Plate or the sub component Name/Number where the thickness gauging occurred
• Choose the side (port or starboard)
• Input the thickness measurement value
• Optionally, input the origin of the measured plate's thickness to facilitate diminution calculation

5. Specify Thickness Measurement Location: Forward or Aft (Optional)

You can optionally indicate whether the measurement location is forward or aft. This information is for documentation purposes and doesn't impact data distribution within the TM-2 (i) & (ii) forms. It helps maintain a record of the thickness markers' positions for reference and analysis.

6. Select the Transverse Frame for the Measurement

Picking the transverse frame directs data to the correct table in the form. Each table corresponds to one transverse section, enabling a focused comparison of thickness measurements between the transverse sections, which is the core purpose of the form.

7. Indicate the Longitudinal Strake for Measurement

By specifying the Strake, you ensure that measurements taken on the same longitudinal strake are organized on the same row inside the TM-2 (i) and TM-2 (ii) forms. This intelligent grouping enhances the analysis of measurements made on the same strake but within different transverse sections, streamlining the assessment of variations along the strake.

8. Review and Confirm data linked to the Thickness Marker

9. Repeat Adding Thickness Markers to the Blueprint

Data Structure in TM-2 (i) & TM-2 (ii) Forms - Post Report Generation

• Data will be grouped by Transverse item/Frame in each Transverse section table.
• The Longitudinal Strake item serves as the common value for every row, aligning the data within the transverse sections for meaningful comparisons.
• Plate/Sub item Name, Origin, and Maximum Allowable Diminution are the Common data for each thickness measurement displayed in the same Transverse section table.


Streamlined Data Entry:

• The UTM Reporting app simplifies the process of inputting data, ensuring accurate and automatic population of TM-2 (i) and TM-2 (ii) forms.

Efficient Documentation:

• The app allows for documentation of thickness marker positions, which is valuable for future reference and analysis.

Focused Comparison:

• The app facilitates the comparison of thickness measurements between different transverse sections, aiding in the assessment of variations along the strake.

Enhanced Analysis:

• Data organization by transverse frame and longitudinal strake simplifies data comparison, making it easier to assess and analyze measurements.

In conclusion, the UTM Reporting app offers a streamlined and efficient solution for populating TM-2 (i) and TM-2 (ii) forms. By automating the data input process and facilitating documentation, the app enhances the analysis of thickness measurements between different transverse sections, ultimately simplifying the assessment of variations along the strake. This modern approach not only saves time but also improves the accuracy and quality of survey reports, making it a valuable tool for marine professionals seeking a reliable and efficient alternative to manual data entry methods.